I am a scientist by profession (my PhD is in applied physics, but I work mainly in optics now). I am Married with one daughter. For sure I desired more, but that is how God blessed my wife Elizabeth and I. My daughter and her husband are also walking with the Lord, praise God. I moved to the Denver area in 2002, from Dublin in Ireland, and worked with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Diocesan Ministries for a time before joining the Catholic Community of the Beatitudes around 2005. I wandered into their midst, attracted by their witness to the Spirit and the Bride together. The latter is revealed through living the life of consecration to  Mary. Indeed in my home country of Ireland there was never any separation between the Charismatic and the Marian. Life in the Spirit always came with a close relationship to Blessed Mary, Theotokos, mother of God. I have always considered myself Marian Charismatic in that regard. The rosary for me is a deeply contemplative  and spirit filled prayer, if prayed from the heart slowly, as is the Jesus prayer in the Eastern rite.

While with the Community of the Beatitudes I further received a formation in the spiritual way of Carmel, the spirituality of the Eastern rite (Byzantine Catholic and Orthodox) and of Israel. Recently, I discerned the Lords call to a different direction, through the intercession of French mystic and victim soul, venerable Marthe Robin, whose shrine I visited in March 2020 looking for direction. I am now a friend of the Lamb of the Commuity, still part of the spiritual family. I currently minister in spiritual director, having been formed over 5 years in the Ignatian Method of discernment of spirits at the Lanteri Center in Denver. I ministers also as a Catholic evangelist with my wife, taking the Gospel to the people in public spaces as guided by the Holy Spirit. I asks for prayers from anyone who happens to read this short biography.

In these times, for anyone who can read the signs of the times even crudely, it is clear the Church, the body of Christ, is following the head (Jesus), to Calvary. It is now walking the way of Calvary. It will be crucified and appear to die in the eyes of the world but will rise again as the spotless bride to await His return, after He establishes His kingdom in a glorious period to come. This period of unknown duration, is known by many names - "the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart", "the Era of Peace", "the Kingdom of the Divine Will on Earth as it is in Heaven, "the New Humanity of Love "- (coined by the Focolare movement), "The "New "Springtime of the Holy Spirit" (Pope St John Paul II). The Lord has and is revealing this through His Prophets in these times. Indeed Pope St John Paul II , in his apostolic letter, "Tertio Millennio Adveniente" urged us be attentive to what the Lord is revealing to the Church in these times through those endowed with extraordinary charisms.

The movements of the Holy Spirit since Vatican II also prophesy the times of the Church through their very charisms though they may not see it. Who knows when Jesus will return. It's not for us to know dates and times, but just seasons. Now is the season to enter more deeply into prayer and witness to the Kingdom, more than ever before, for the sake of others and also for our own sakes, lest even the elect be deceived. You who are reading this, my friend, were chosen to live in the times of revelation, that were the envy of many Saints past. St Grignon de Monfort exclaimed that in these days, God would raise up Saints, with a new Sanctity, that would tower above that of old like the cedars of Lebanon do over little shrubs . A Sanctity spoken about by Jesus to the little daughter of the Divine Will, servant of God Luisa Piccaretta, Saint Faustina,  and others, which culminates with  the fulfillment of the prayer of Jesus Himself  - that the Will of God be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Meanwhile we carry on doing the ordinary things of life with a deepening of desire without speculating, certain of His promise. Yet, my friend, if you could see your mission in this life as God does, it would bring tears of joy.

This website is a little contribution to help build the Kingdom with the angle to see God as He is revealed through the beauty of Creation, particularly the Cosmos. There are reflections on the spiritual way and on the fine tuning of the Universe, with accompanying prayer reflections which try to focus the reader to God Himself. He is revealing Himself in these times through every possible avenue including scientific discovery. These amazing discoveries are a gift of His Love for our times since they could only be know with the advent of technology. Glorify Him.



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