Because I received a few interesting comments from my last post, I wanted to clarify a few things for the sake of unity and truth.  In regard to Pope Francis, I continue to pray for him as he shepherds the Church. His call is to guard the authentic deposit of the faith, but to do it in the manner of a father who cares for his family and understands their struggles. There is a lot of confusion in the Church at the moment and compromise with the world on the part of Bishops and Cardinals. That's clear to most people, so we must pray for them also. On the matter of preaching the truth, again Peter is the example of the first Pope who did not care for anyone's opinion and called it out like it is. So yes it is a terrible thing that those who wantonly and publicly rail against the Church by promoting abortion are being allowed to receive communion. Neither do I understand why some who compromise the Church teaching on homosexuality and Marriage remain in positions of leadership. However, I am not a first person witness to what has been said to them, what efforts have been made to correct them, and whether or not they have stubbornly refused the correction received. Certainly though the spirt of antichrist is clearly at work. Take heart though, Mary is crushing the head of the serpent. His present time is almost up and we are getting the last frenzied lash of the tail.

Jesus is the only example in all of this. Right up to the last moment he reached across the divide to share bread with Judas until he finally chose to go outside where it was night and Satan entered him. That is how we must act. If by being hastily angry and flaming people on the internet someone who otherwise might have come back, looses their soul, the person who acted rashly will have to account for that. The Virgin in Medjugorje asks us to pray and fast. It is enough for most of us. Now imagine if she started flaming people in her messages. Would you consider the spirit of those messages were of God and born in heaven? Of course there is a proper and necessary time for correcting someone after praying for the right use of words. It should firstly be done in private to protect the persons reputation and only publicly after that. One of the desert Fathers on being asked what the chief weapon of the devil was replied "Haste". God love you.

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