How the Demon Reverses Our Spiritual Vision
Like many Catholics today, I often find myself praying as to what is God’s will for me and feeling a sense of inadequacy as to whether or not I am moving in God’s will or am, in fact, far off the beaten path,

Consider Yourself Dead to Sin
The last line from todays second mass reading stuck me as very important in the armoury of spiritual warefare. I hadn’t noticed it before. “You too must think of yourselves as dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus”.

AI not so smart but weighted against truth
With all the hype about AI and ChatGPT. I decided to interrogate it a bit on the question of tolerance human life and abortion.

Easter Completes Lent
[It’s over a week into Easter and I’m posting this a bit late. I though is was worth noting as a personal reflection, though.

From Farce to Insanity
I met a man last week who was “mammal fluid”. He insisted on his right to be a horse that day, to neigh and whinny on the streets and in the workplace, and to soil the sidewalk and the floor to boot. Does that sound impossible?

Pope Francis
Because I received a few interesting comments from my last post, I wanted to clarify a few things for the sake of unity and truth. In regard to Pope Francis, I continue to pray for him as he shepherds the Church. His call is to guard the authentic deposit of the faith, but to do it in the manner of a father who cares for his family and understands their struggles.

A Spirit of Schism Crouching at The door of The Church
There is a spirit of schism crouching at the door of the church. It’s not hard to notice the growing trend among Catholics, laity and clergy alike to criticize the current Pontiff, as if they somehow believed they have been appointed to police the Church. By whose authority? and what spirit is behind it.

Thorns, Darnel, and Discernment
I haven’t posted anything here for ages, but I have been struck by a few thoughts during lent. They tend to lose their impact unless I write them somewhere as the Lord reminds me the grace is in the now moment. In regard to the the parable of the sower, I had to look at the seeds sown on thorny ground, as I’m sure many are doing during this time. However, in the Western world we have a very static view of things built on a linear time-line. We look at this kind of thing at one point in time. God doesn’t see things that way at all.

Sounbites Often Used By The Devil
I was recently struck by a teaching of the foundress of the Focolare movement, Servant of God, Chiara Lubich. This teaching proposes three types of Christians – all sinners. The first kind repents after a fall but does not begin again. The second kind repents after a fall and begins again but without focus on eternal destiny. The third kind begins again and races for the finish line with a gaze fixed on heaven. It’s the third kind that becomes a saint.

Proof for One God
Here is a proof for the existence of one God, in so far as a proof is possible. I put this video together a long time ago. It’s not going to be of much use for those who are hardened against God. For them just pray because there is no such thing really as an atheist.