In the Darkness – The Grain of Wheat

When recently listening in prayer, the Lord reminded me of a teaching he gave to me on the grain of wheat  “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit”. (Jn 12:24).  There are many beautiful layers in this word. To allow God the pre-eminent place in our lives means we have also to “fall”

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The Upward Call

I was recently pondering some wisdom written by one of the Saints in heaven – on how we need to focus on the small things in life, to receive the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and then to act on them without delay, in this way building up the kingdom of God in our own sphere of influence. Knowing that I have the terrible habit of procrastination, the Spirit called me to rise up

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The Cosmic Inflator

The universe is expanding since it’s initial moment of creation in the big-bang event. Since this discovery there has been speculation as to whether it will expand forever or somehow come to a halt and reverse course under the pull of it’s mutual gravity. This would result in a so called “big-crunch” where the universe would implode back into a point of zero volume and infinite density and mass-energy. However, since 1998 it has been determined that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating due to the presence of a mysterious force called dark energy, the nature of which is unknown.

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