Why are Atheistic Scientists So Stubborn?
The Laws of Physics begin with a list of elementary particles like electrons, quarks, and photons, each with special properties such as mass and electric charge. These are the objects that everything else is built out of. No one knows why the list is what it is or why the properties of these particles are exactly what they are.
Stellar Balancing Act
The existence of life on Earth requires just the right amount of elements and compounds at just the right timing since the big bang. Earth is remarkably unusual among planets in that it has an abundance of nearly every element available in addition to life essential compounds. That taken together with it’s perfect location for life and other factors such as the unique requirement of a moon of just the right size and the existence of protective gas giant outer planets make it a wonder to comprehend.
Galactic Balancing Act
We don’t live in any random place in the milky way galaxy. Our location is the safest possibly place we could be to permit the emergence of life without the threat of probable extinction. The solar system is situated between outer spiral arms of the galaxy at a stable location, far enough from other stars to avoid deadly cosmic radiation and gravitational de-stabilization of the solar system.
Finely Balanced Forces
We typically take for granted the laws of nature. However, behind everything we see and know about the cosmos and behind out own existence lie four fundamental forces, in addition to fundamental constants of nature such as the mass of the electron and proton. These are exquisitely fine tuned and balanced against one another. The discovery of this balance has led more than one physicist to abandon his/her atheism and admit the existence of a designer.
Fathomless simplicity of the big bang
When the cosmos began through the big bang creation event it was incalculably simple, marked by the infinite simplicity of the God-head. To understand this you need to visualize the process of some-thing or system of “things” going from a simpler to a less simple state. A brand new truck carrying a neatly stacked pile of bricks crashing and scattering the bricks all over the road becomes a less simple system.
Fine tuning of the Big-Bang
The mass of the big bang is fine tuned to a degree that is truly incomprehensible. When the Universe was brought into existence through the big-bang creation event, it needed to be precise to 1 part in 10 to the power of 60. That’s a 1 with 60 zeros after it. I’ll try to provide an insight into the size of this number.